Washington State Has Had a Few UFO Sightings in 2024 | A. Nicole | NewsBreak Original

A. Nicole
3 min readJul 17, 2024

Washington state has seen its fair share of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) sightings in 2024 , according to data collected from UFO reporting organizations. From orbs and mysterious lights to disc-shaped objects and stranger shapes, these sightings continue to intrigue and baffle residents.

Here’s a glimpse at some of the reported sightings:

While some sightings can likely be explained by mundane phenomena like drones, airplanes, or even stars, the sheer number of reports and the variety of descriptions suggest something more might be happening in Washington’s skies.

Twin Cigars Over Naches: Enigma #288566

Enigma Labs

With a score of 78, Enigma UFO Sighting #288566 ranks high on the compelling meter. This sighting, reported from Naches, Washington on February 9th, 2024 at 2:02 PM PST, involved three witnesses and captured elements on video.

The details of this sighting are intriguing:

The witness’s description of the second object emerging from the clouds adds a layer of mystery. Clouds…



A. Nicole

News Junkie, Independent Citizen Journalist, Foodie, and Dog Mom