Oregon: A Hotbed of UFO Sightings in the Pacific Northwest | A. Nicole | NewsBreak Original

A. Nicole
4 min readJul 18, 2024

Oregon, with its diverse landscapes ranging from dense forests to vast plains, has long been a hub for reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The state’s history of UFO sightings dates back to the mid-20th century, with numerous documented encounters capturing the attention of researchers and enthusiasts alike.

McMinnville UFO Photographs: A Defining Moment

One of the most famous and debated UFO incidents occurred in McMinnville, Oregon in 1950. The Trent UFO photographs by a farming couple, Paul and Evelyn Trent, depicted a metallic, disc-shaped object hovering in the sky. The photos were widely circulated and became a cornerstone of UFO lore, sparking discussions about the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Diverse Sightings Across the State

While the McMinnville incident garnered significant attention, Oregon has witnessed a variety of UFO sightings throughout its history. Reports range from fleeting glimpses of lights in the night sky to more detailed accounts of structured objects with distinct characteristics. Some witnesses have described objects maneuvering at high speeds, performing seemingly impossible aerial feats, or exhibiting unusual…



A. Nicole

News Junkie, Independent Citizen Journalist, Foodie, and Dog Mom